
Showing posts from August, 2021


  What is Koinomo?  Koinomo is a stage for the eventual fate of asset the board utilizing Smart agreements dependent on blockchain innovation. Koinomo plans to have the best and effective Fund so clients have the best experience across the board place. Koinomo is a Decentralized Assets Management and Investments Fund Built on Binance Smart Chain.  Components of Koinomo Fund  Decentralized Bitcoin Wallet: To make a record with Koinomo, you just need to make your own bitcoin wallet utilizing a 12 key arbitrary seed key which connects your record to your PC and is sponsored by a 8 - 21 keys secret key.  Full Protective Security: Koinomo has taken a few measures to guarantee a protected environment for financial backer's Funds by utilizing a Cold stockpiling wallet to store the Digital Assets of financial backers in guardianship.  Month to month FUND Performance of KOINOMO: At the finish of every month, Koinomo is obliged to distribute reserve file execution which shows day by day exch


  About  Koinomo is a stage for the predetermination of asset the bosses utilizing Smart plan's fueled by blockchain Technology. The KOINOMO Token offers a reaction for the unsafe financial strategies finished under the current generally speaking money related construction. More than this,the token gives a pathway to changing reasonable compensation stream inside the economy.  The KOINOMO Token offers a reaction for the sketchy financial strategies executed under the current generally speaking money related framework. More than this, the emblematic gives a pathway to changing reasonable compensation dispersing inside the economy. KOINOMO will zero in on developing social event of the KMO token. Broadened assembling of KMO will give up regard backing to the resource which can additionally help improvement and lead to more prominent capital inflow into the KOINOMO economy.  Objective  We expect to have the best and competent Fund so you have the best knowledge in all cases place. Our