Koinomo Decentralized Assets & investment management platform built on Smart Contract’s (Bep-20)

 #Koinomo #kmo #BinanceSmartChain #BSCGem #BSC #investwithkoinomo 

A decentralized construction is a framework that requires different social affairs to settle on their own free choices. "In a particularly decentralized design, there is no single melded power that settles on choices for every get-together. 


Koinomo is a stage for the predetermination of asset the board utilizing Smart plans subject to blockchain advancement. Koinomo desires to have the best and feasible Fund so clients have the best understanding in all cases place. Koinomo is a Decentralized Assets Management and Investments Fund Built on Binance Smart Chain. 


Koinmo is rotated around changing the way where we acquire straightforward pay in Crypto with the foundation of the world's most innovatively progressed blockchain Fund. Koinomo affiliation and experience bring a help standard none making you and your records before the get-together in the monetary business and as such on the planet. Just put your Bitcoin property into the Koinomo asset and they will expertly contribute and exchange your capital among different resources. The asset is tirelessly directed and new coins are dependably being examined to give money related benefactors the best advantage from their capital. 

Parts of Koinomo Fund 

Decentralized Bitcoin Wallet: To make a record with Koinomo, you just need to make your own bitcoin wallet utilizing a 12 key self-decisive seed key which interfaces your record to your PC and is upheld by a 8–21 keys secret word. Full Protective Security: Koinomo has taken several actions to guarantee a got natural structure for money related sponsor's Funds by utilizing a Cold accumulating wallet to store the Digital Assets of financial allies in care. Month to month FUND Performance of KOINOMO: At the fruition of reliably, Koinomo is obliged to pass on save record execution which shows bit by bit exchange exercises and benefit/debacle for each exchanging day. One-tick pulls out: Investors are not joined to any time interval for their undertaking which induces they can pull out whenever of the day from Koinomo FUND to their Koinomo wallet. Zero withdrawal Fees/No secretive expenses: Koinomo doesn't charge any withdrawals charges close by the 8:2 benefit split (BTC financial supporters) and 9:1 degree advantage split($KMO money related sponsors). The whole day, reliably Online Support: Koinomo will give steady Live Chat on the website page and Telegram social class for financial benefactors if there should be an occurrence of any help required concerning their Investments with Koinomo. 

How does Koinomo Work? 

To turn into a financial backer in the KOINOMO Fund, you should initially visit KOINOMO.com. Once there you explore to the information exchange button otherwise called "Begin Investing". 

When you store your assets in Koinomo wallet. Koinomo oversees financial backer assets through various situations, in both long and short techniques. 

54.5% of a portfolio is apportioned to momentary system by means of exchanging work area, where Koinomo will make ordinary exchanges various BTC to fiat and BTC to crypto pairings. 

Other 45.5% is holding BTC saves, a place of refuge in cool wallets ensured and secure. 

KOINOMO computes all benefits in USDT, implying that after your Bitcoin is contributed, our objective will be to build the FIAT Value of your bitcoins regardless of whether the market is negative. 

On the off chance that you store 1 BTC at the current cost of $38,000, Koinomo's order is increment that FIAT and Bitcoin sum even on a negative market or cycle through exchanging and contributing. On the off chance that the cost of bitcoin drops to $32,000, our asset makes a normal of 15% toward the month's end which gives you a benefit of $5,700 in addition to $38,000 approaches $43,700. 

Benefit Distribution Process — All benefits will be parted at a proportion of 2:8 in that KOINOMO takes 20% and the financial backer takes 80%. Your record balance gets recalculated and refreshed at regular intervals. 

Ventures done in local badge of Koinomo for example KMO will be more benefit sharing which is 9:1. Financial backers share 90% of benefit and 10% Share by Koinomo. 

At the point when misfortunes happen, the worth of the misfortunes will be conveyed among financial backers relatively to their particular levels of interest in the asset. Such misfortunes will then, at that point be refreshed in the record in a similar way as the benefit. 

Koinomo Token (KMO) 

KOINOMO Token or "KMO" token is a Binance Smart Chain (BSC) based free-drifting resource, with its own financial methods. KMO goes presumably as a close by cash of the Koinhomo environment. 

The greatest benefit of the KMO token is if financial allies pick to put resources into the Koinomo store through the KMO token they have a more conspicuous proposition in advantage sharing which is 9:1, which surmises 90% of the benefit will be given to money related supporters on the off chance that they decide to contribute through KMO tokens. This will assist with transforming into the Koinomo natural system. 


Token Name: Koinomo 

Token Ticker: KMO 

Affiliation: Binance Smart Chain 

Full scale Supply: 10,000,000 KMO 

The most effective method to Buy $KMO Token 

To take part in our private deals in purchasing $KMO tokens 

visit koinomo.finance, enlist and make a record 

login to your Dashboard, 

Select Buy Token Now 

input measure of $KMO you need to purchase comparable to BNB 

Continue to installments, send BNB to our gave BNB wallet address 

Download Trust wallet or Metamask in the event that you don't have any 

Send your Binance Coin (BNB) to your Trust or METAMASK wallet 

Send BNB to our gave BNB address gave on your installment page. 

Sit tight for endorsement. 



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